Ordinary people...extraordinary God!

On August 12 2010, a team of ordinary people who worship an extraordinary God set out from Harvest Bible Chapel of Prescott and boarded a plane with little more than what ordinary people usually bring on an overseas trip. The most important item, however, didn't require any luggage at all...they were carrying the Light of the World to the continent of Africa.

As pilgrims and missionaries have done from the time of Christ, they gathered together for weeks before the trip, to pray and seek the Lord for direction, guidance, protection, provision and purpose. They overcame barriers one after another, financial hurdles, governments, travel arrangements, immunizations, illnesses, entry into schools and hospitals, equipment. Again and again, they saw the Lord open doors for them in miraculous ways.

They are traveling from a small town in central Arizona to Senegal, Dakar, Johannesburg and Durban on a 37 hour journey by car, plane and bus. They range in age from 14 to nearly 70. They come from different families, different cultures, different backgrounds, different lives, but they share a common goal: to lift high the name of Jesus and share His love with everyone they encounter along the way: young or old, sick or healthy, rich or desperately needy. Their desire and prayer is simply to serve their King in whatever way He should choose to use them.

This is their story.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Teaching in the schools!

Greetings from South Africa...

Well, we started our "Better Choices" curriculum this week. We are teaching HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention along with the real need, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Any time an opportunity to bring God's Truth to the public schools and the community opens up like this... we want to grab it!  Bringing hope to the nations.

All the preparation, organizing, teambuilding, and prayer... it was all leading up to this week. As a side note, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that we could already see God unfolding his perfect plan for all of the work that was ahead of us. God quickly knit all of our hearts together for one purpose:  to share the Gospel for God's glory!

Here is another display of God at work this week, are you ready for this?  We've talked alot as a team so far about being flexible on missions trips, and in all our preparation we encountered opposition right away... it seemed wherever God was building a house, the enemy was building right next door. The enemy knew the Gospel was going out to the nations! It just so happens that this week, in our province in South Africa, most of the schools were suffering from a teacher's strike, which in turn shut the schools down. No school, no students...No students, no venue to teach the students... right?

WRONG! It was amazing to see God at work, in His perfect will and timing, open up so many doors for the nations to hear His Gospel! By the end of the first day, in all the excitement and changes of plans, we had collectively shared "Better Choices" and the Gospel with over 400 students and locals! Over 400 South Africans were reached on the FIRST DAY! Praise God!  God will accomplish what He wants, when He wants. God is good, all the time...All the time, God is good!

We finished our curriculum with hundreds of locals in the Richard's Bay area today and saw God do some great work:  educating the people and students about HIV/Aids, presenting the Gospel through the Jesus Film, testimonies, and God's Word. Many students were led to the saving truth of Jesus, committing their lives to Him! Praise the Lord!

Thank You for all your prayers, please pray that many would continue to come and hear the Truth of Jesus as we travel to Greytown on Saturday.
In Him - Colby Long

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